Child Safety & Wellbeing

Bialik College is committed to ensuring the safety, welfare and wellbeing of students and children. We do so through the participation and empowerment of all of our students, staff and families in creating an environment that aspires to have all children who attend the school feeling and being safe. The safety and wellbeing of the children in our care will always be our first priority and we have a zero tolerance to child abuse, taking proactive approach to mitigating risks to child safety. Bialik College is committed to fulfilling the 11 Child Safe Standards and all requirements of Ministerial Order 1359

Questions, concerns and comments may be directed to our Child Safety and Wellbeing Team: 

Deborah Reed, Head of Student Services - [email protected]

Lauren Rosenbaum, Head of Psychology and Counselling Services - [email protected]

Our formal Statement of Commitment to Child Safety can be found here.

Our Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy (including our Child Safety Code of Conduct) can be found here.

Our Mandatory Reporting Policy can be found here.

Our Complaints Policy can be found here.

Our Child Safety Risk Register can be found here.

Our Whistleblower Policy can be found here.

Our Online Volunteer Child Safety Training Module can be found here