Cultures of Thinking

Cultures of Thinking Conference - 17 - 18 August 2025

The Cultures of Thinking Project, sponsored by Bialik College in collaboration with Project Zero at the Harvard Graduate School of Education commenced in 2005 thanks to the patronage of Vera and Abe Dorevitch.

Project Zero’s aim is to understand and enhance learning, thinking and creativity in the arts, as well as humanistic and scientific disciplines, at the individual and institutional levels. The Cultures of Thinking project focuses on further developing a school-wide culture of thinking that supports deep thinking and the development of students’ thinking dispositions. It supports students in becoming more flexible and energetic in their thinking and learning, develops critical and creative thinking and deeper engagement while also equipping students to become more comfortable in the face of ambiguity and uncertainty.

Teachers are provided with a unique opportunity to undertake professional development within a team environment, working with some of the world’s leading educational thinkers on an ongoing basis over an extended period of time. Students are the ultimate beneficiaries of the project as it is focused on providing new strategies of learning to enrich their experience and develop thinking skills for their lives both within and beyond school.

You can read more about Bialik’s approach in the book: “Making Thinking Visible: How to Promote Engagement, Understanding, and Independence for All Learners” (Paperback published May 3, 2011)