Bialik College Senior School Years 10-12

Bialik College’s Senior School is where students are supported to identify pathways for their future as they make significant decisions. Bialik’s teaching staff and careers’ counsellor assist students to make wise choices to deliver optimum results, not just in terms of an ATAR score but, more importantly, for their life direction and personal goals.

What is Bialik College Senior School

Housed in the Bialik College VCE Centre for the Senior School on our beautiful Hawthorn campus, our Year 10-12 students have their own bespoke space to grow, learn and mature. The VCE centre includes extensive music rooms as well as the Victor Smorgon Hall. We offer small class sizes, individual care and attention, and teacher availability during students’ free time. Our students have a positive and collaborative experience during their senior years at Bialik.

Why choose Bialik College for Senior School?

Despite being a non-selective school, Bialik’s VCE results consistently rank in the top five schools in Victoria. Senior students are encouraged to balance their academic pursuits while maintaining their involvement in extra-curricular activities.

Leadership opportunities in Senior School are available to all students and are fully inclusive. All Year 10 students participate in the College’s Identity and Leadership Program where students choose from a wide range of community-based leadership and self-development opportunities. Year 11 students mentor Kinder students in the Early Learning Centre during key chaggim, a relationship that continues into Year 12.

Year 12 students can nominate themselves into the Mazkirut program, assuming a role within a range of portfolios within the College where they can introduce and drive initiatives to enhance College life.

Senior school students also form special relationships with the Prep students – sharing significant chaggim events such as Pesach seders and Shavuot activities.  These events are complemented by regular visits with our young members of the Bialik community in the Early Learning Centre.

Careers counselling is offered to individuals and groups and, as part of our ongoing commitment and connection with our graduates. At Bialik College the Careers Department provides students with a careers counselling service, education program and access to facilities and resources to maximise their career and further study options. The Career Counsellor assists all students with their important career, course and subject decisions as they progress through School and to help them embark on their journey beyond Bialik. Visit our dedicated Careers website at to explore our resources and services in more detail.

Our careers counselling services include:

  • Individual careers counselling, subject choice counselling and VTAC preference counselling
  • Careers and courses events for Years 9 to 12
  • Comprehensive Careers Resource Centre
  • Career guidance programs
  • Morrisby report in Year 10.
  • Careers intranet site
  • Careers events announced in student and staff and parent newsletters
  • Liaison with VTAC, universities and TAFEs
  • Assistance with applications to overseas universities
  • Parent information evenings on VTAC and career choices
  • Work Experience management and support
  • Past students regularly return to Bialik to discuss any career issues.