Students embrace First Aid

Student News Friday, 20 Oct 2017

First Aid is one of the 16 elective choices that provide lots of fun and excitement on Friday afternoons. Guided by Frank and an instructor from the official Victoria first aid program, students from year  8 and 9 every term get to have an experience to learn about level 2 first aid. 

“First aid is very educational and Frank teaches us a lot about first aiding” (Nathan H.)

“Doing first aid is an enjoyable and interactive ETGAR choice that will provide you with very useful skills for the future, and may even save lives!” (Helena M.)

First Aid prepares students for any emergencies, as they would have learnt the basic steps of level 2 first aiding. The things that are taught during the lessons are how to treat an open wound, fainting, anaphylaxis, help with a seizure, strokes, hypothermia and more. The students get hands-on interactive practice on musically approved dummies. At the end of the term, the students complete government official tests, and if you pass it, you will get a certificate to prove that you have become an official level 2 first aider.

First Aid is just one of the many electives that can give you confidence to help people when they need it, or get a job in the future. The ways you can remember these steps is great, and with level 2 first aid skills, you will already have a head start from others if you want to apply for a job in paramedics, and you will be able to help your friends and family with the things you have learned.

- Article by Ruby, Sunny, and Gabriella -